Of the bluebirds, of course.
Category Archives: The House in the Woods
The Bluebirds are really busy now!
Not much more to say, the Bluebird parents are now on a constant shuttle to bring food to the babies. They are very careful to keep potential interlopers away from the nest, dive bombing squirrels and other birds if they even think about getting close to the nest. One aspect … Continue reading
Who you lookin’ at!?
Well! I guess this photo tells it all! I guess Papa didn’t want me disturbing the kiddies during dinner time! (Of course, from what I’ve seen recently, ‘dinner time’ ranges from sun up to sun down!)
The babies have arrived!
The Bluebird babies, that is… The first brood of the season have hatched and are keeping Mama and Papa Bluebird busy. I’ll be experimenting with my remote camera and posting the more interesting photos as I (and they) progress… Meanwhile, here is Mama just arriving to duck in and feed … Continue reading
I’ve finally finished the Hoist Beam for the Workshop!
It took a while, but I’ve finally finished the Hoist Beam and Conveyor for the Workshop. My goal was to have a hoist that I could extend out onto a cantilevered beam to move wood between the Workshop loft and the ground level. My design criteria was to be able … Continue reading