Amazing Finds! Smallest Diesel Engine

A friend of mine sent me a link to a most amazing project.  A man, apparently very talented with machine tools, designed and built a V12 Diesel Engine that actual runs!  This is not model – it really runs!

The video documents how he built the engine – all the way from mock up to the raw materials he used, how he machined each part, and how he assembled it.  It even includes how he performed the engine break-in with an electric drill.

The engine has 261 pieces and took 1220 hours to build.  The video runs for about 9 1/2 minutes.  The video production is pretty well done, but the titles are in Spanish.  Even if you are not an Engineer you’ll find this interesting.  This is a remarkable piece of work!

Link to video.


2 thoughts on “Amazing Finds! Smallest Diesel Engine

  1. Except the engine runs on compressed air. the camshafts run at engine speed. In a real engine, the cams run at half crankshaft speed. and also there are no injectors.

    • That’s interesting. I hadn’t noticed this, I’ll have to have a closer look. Thanks for the observation!

      Yes, I believe you are right. It certainly does look like the camshafts and crankshaft run at the same speed. Still, it is a fascinating video and nice demonstration of machining the individual pieces.

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