Fun Furniture Project

For those of you who know my Granddaughter know that her BFF is a Rabbit named “Meow”.  They go everywhere together, do everything together.  One day, as my granddaughter was sitting at our dinner table, I noticed that Meow was leaning against a salt shaker, patiently waiting for us to finish eating.  Unfortunately for Meow, she had no support whenever someone needed salt.  I realized that Meow, too, needed a seat at the table.

Hence a project, that my granddaughter and I could build together, was born.  Behold, Meow’s Chair:

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Meow’s Chair

I made the pieces and then my granddaughter inserted each one into the appropriate spot after I applied glue.  Soon the chair was done and it fit perfectly for Meow!  Needless to say, everyone was happy with the result!

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